When you instruct us, we will present you with two documents;
i. Letter of Engagement; and
ii. Terms of Engagement and Client Information.
The Terms of Engagement and Client Information incorporates our standard terms of business and information we are required to disclose to you in relation to fees, our insurance arrangement, the Lawyer Fidelity Fund and other specific matters.
The Letter of Engagement will list the specific services that will be provided to you in response to your request, the basis on which our fees will be charged, and the name and position of the people in our firm who will have the overall responsibility for the services we provide you.
It is important for you to question any details on the letter if you do not understand or agreed with them. Otherwise sign the letter and return it to our firm at your earliest convenience.
It is also important to understand that should the original request change or evolve to include more services, an updated Letter of Engagement will need to be produced and signed.